Monday, 29 August 2016

Candy land with Anika and Alize

Candy land with Anika and Alize

When I open my eyes I was in a land with lollies and more lollies. Then I saw a big black hole in front of me. Suddenly two people that I know very well came out of the hole it was Anika and Alize chewing on lollies and shoving them in there mouth and I was too. When Anika and Alize came out of the candy hole went to play in candy land. But a few minutes later we saw all of our friend's and family and shouted happy birthday Reese, Anika and Alize.


  1. well done Reese

  2. Amazing Reese I really like how you did it about your friends

  3. wow amazing work Reese

  4. That is a very awesome piece of writing there Reese! I love that you added your friends into the story. Man I think I would love candyland!

  5. That is amazing Reese Id love to see more of blogs Reese

  6. Wowo that is awesome that you wrote about you friends and candy land. very nice how you carried it on till the end well done Reese. it is also good to write about your friends sometimes. Nice work. Reese.
    Kaia pai.
